Monday, December 30, 2019

The World Of Dating How Do You Keep Things Casual

The world of dating it always seemed too complicated for me. The romantic mishaps were typical because I suffered from anxiety and chronic shyness. How do you keep things casual?. I wanted to break new ground once my marriage came to an end. In this moment of self-discovery, I traveled to Spain. The trip paid off, I felt rejuvenated after years of abuse and depression. I was in a different world; a lucid dream with the beautiful surroundings. During the trip I fell ridiculously in love with a Spaniard who had the sexiest accent I ve heard in my life. Unfortunately, the spell broke after two years of dating. The Spaniard and I made the decision of conscious uncoupling (it does sound better than saying we broke up). Traveling all excited to Spain to later return to the States in a sea of tears was too much for me. My desire of having serious relationship had evaporated and rightly so. He didn t want to move to the U.S., and me moving to the old world was out of the question. At the end, I was left with trust issues, low self-esteem, and deep scars of hurt and loneliness. It would take another failed relationship to finally understand the aftermath abuse brings. Experts suggest the primary influence is the father. How a woman was treated by her father and how he treated her mother, will have a massive impact. We often disconnect these memories from the conscious mind, a kind of amnesia. But although the mind erases some memories, our body hasn t. The ego mind associatesShow MoreRelatedOnline Dating And Its Impact On The World1889 Words   |  8 PagesWith the advancement of the Internet, we have seen many changes in the dating world. Hundreds of applications and websites have been created in order to connect people locally and internationally. Among these websites and applications are online dating tools. Online dating began in 1995 when was created, and has grown significantly since. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Racism Is The Burden Of The Indigenous People Of Australia

Racism is a global issue that is perpetuated by our ever-globalizing environment. With increased communication technologies cultures from continents that are oceans apart are now able to meet (Hogan 2012). More specifically within Australia racism has been the burden of the Indigenous people of Australia, since the countries discovered by the British. Indigenous Australians have been subject to policies and laws sort to convert them to integrate into the newly pronounced white country (Finlayson, J Martin, D 2012). Cummings, Fuller and Howard have researched how institutionalized racism has impacted indigenous Australians at a national level. Many inquiries have found status as a cultural and linguistic minority indigenous Australians are discriminated against by government sectors. The inability of indigenous Australians to gain access to mainstream government services such as healthcare, education, and assistance in gaining employment is seen to be detrimental to their livelihood p.561 As referenced by Cummings, Fuller and Howard the Commonwealth Grants Commission acknowledged in 2001 that: â€Å"If mainstream programmes are to be accessed more equitably by indigenous people, the existing barriers to access must be overcome. These barriers confront indigenous people in all regions†¦ In more remote regions, these barriers are exacerbated by the lack of services and difficulties caused by physical access† (Cummings, Fuller and Howard 2007, p.561). The inability to accessShow MoreRelatedDistribution of Depression Amongst Young Australians Essay1547 Words   |  7 Pagescan even lead to suicide. It is estimated that one in six Australians will experience depression in their lifetime (Beyond Blue, 2014). The burden of disease gives an indication of of the loss of health and well being of Australians due to each disease (ABS, 2010). Depression and anxiety is the leading cause of burden among females, accounting for 10% of burden while it is the third leading cause for men, accounting for 4.8% (AIHW, 2003) (This was the most recent information found). Depression canRead MoreThe Australian Dream By Bruce Dawe1388 Words   |  6 PagesTruth is subjective such that one’s perception of truth is used to allow people to come to the realisation of reality. This is a key representation throughout the comparative texts of Stan Grant’s ‘The Australian Dream’ and Bruce Dawe’s poem of ‘Homecoming†™. In which both successfully communicates that the truth of experienced by individuals are covered by lies, and that it will essentially be revealed. However, it is evident that ‘Homecoming’ is a more effective representation compared to ‘The AustralianRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words   |  7 Pageswell-being. Associated diseases have become increasingly prevalent in Australia over the past decade, with a recent advertisement by the ABC highlighting that 50% of Australians will experience a mental illness. Mental illness is responsible for the third largest burden of disease in Australia, making it a priority. †¢ Morbidity refers to the rates of illness*. Mental illness encompasses many diseases which are prevalent in Australia. The recent 2007 National Survey of Mental health highlighted anxietyRead MoreMental Health : Mental Illness1604 Words   |  7 Pageswell-being. Associated diseases have become increasingly prevalent in Australia over the past decade, with a recent advertisement by the ABC highlighting that 50% of Australians will experience a mental illness. Mental illness is responsible for the third largest burden of disease in Australia, making it a priority. †¢ Morbidity refers to the rates of illness. Mental illness encompasses many diseases which are prevalent in Australia. The recent 2007 National Survey of Mental health highlighted anxietyRead MorePrior To European Invasion And Settlement, Aboriginal Australians1590 Words   |  7 Pagestheir country, relationships and ecosystems. Anderson et al (2006) state that ‘Precontact health care systems’ were focused upon the inter-relationships of land, people, the living and non-living entities and creator beings. If the land was not cared for, it got sick, and so would all other beings related to the land, including the people (Anderson et al, 2006). Tenure of management was dictated by law, passed down through the Dreaming and Ancestors, and was practiced to ensure balance and to maintainRead MoreThe Long Journey Undertaken By Indigenous Australians1442 Words   |  6 PagesThe long journey undertaken by indigenous Australians in their search for equality, respect and legal ownership of what is rightfully theirs, has been a long, bloody battle spanning the last 200 years and unfortunately re mains largely unresolved. The Close the Gap Campaign is one example of positive attempts to strengthen the indigenous / white relationship as it offers numerous support systems for the indigenous, from the government. Another example of such positive steps is seen in 2008, when theRead MoreHow Is It Becoming An Australian Citizen?1591 Words   |  7 Pagesit is possible to become an Australian citizen: 1. By birth: In Australia people automatically become an Australian citizen if they are born here and one or both of their parents is an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia. 2. By descent: If you are the child of an Australian citizen but you are born overseas you will generally be granted Australian citizenship. There are a number of rules that might apply to people in this category. These are indicated in the Australian CitizenshipRead MoreThe Impact Of Australian Colonization On Australian Society1709 Words   |  7 PagesSince British arrival, Aboriginal people have experienced marginalisation and extreme disadvantage within Australian society. Urban-based Aboriginal people, even more than those living in remote communities, have been subject to the impact of racism and discrimination on self-identity. Nonetheless, many urban-based Aboriginal people proudly identify with their Aboriginality, asserting their identity. In this case study, I will examine the identity of Aboriginal Australian’s, comparing this constructionRead MoreThe Health Between Indigenous And Non Indigenous Australians1951 Words   |  8 Pagesmaintaining optimum health (De partment of Health and Human Services 2015). In Australia, the health inequality between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians is noted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to have the largest disparity in the world (Markwick et al. 2014). Statistically, the life expectancy for indigenous Australians who are born in 2010-2012 is estimated to be 10.6 years lower when compared to non-indigenous Australians (Markwick et al. 2014). Social determinants such as employmentRead MoreDispersed Throughout Australia’S Short History There Are1761 Words   |  8 PagesAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. These policies began with Colonisation in 1788 and are ongoing today within the Indigenous Advancement Strategies. Throughout the duration of this essay the impact that two of the ten policies, Colonisation (1788- 1880) and Assimilation (1950-1960) had, will be discussed. Analysis of how these policies affected First Peoples contemporary health and the consequences the poli cies have on the relationships between First Peoples and health practitioners will be

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Introduction to International Relations Free Essays

In the context of the idea of â€Å"Nationalism†, what are the differences between the Scottish National Party and the British National Party? BODY OF WORK Being today a central issue of the modern world, Nationalism, a term from nasci which means â€Å"to be born†, has most of the time been considered as a 19th century phenomenon, connected to the development and creation of nation-states .While seen by a large number of critics as outdated in other word old, not just because it is inherently expansionist but also destructive, others in meantime see it as a strength to re-enforce order and solve conflict. Thus, the issue of nationalism will therefore depend on a system every country adopts. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to International Relations or any similar topic only for you Order Now If we take the United Kingdom(UK),a constitutional monarchy and unitary states which is composed of four(4) countries :England(London),Northern Ireland(Belfast),Wales(Cardiff) and Scotland(Edinburgh) has been governed by a Parliamentary system.However,it is argued that nationalism within the UK is both reactionary and progressive . The simply reason of this statement is that in different parts of UK,the notion of nationalism has components of both looking towards the future inclusively and progressively but ,also looking to their past regressively thus hoping to bring back their historical period.Britain and Scotland, being among these parts of UK, have for a centuries had political parties sometimes based on similar ideas but most of the time different from each others. The British nationalism referring to the nationalist ideas and policies’ application to the United Kingdom tends to promote the UK as a goal for national identity, social movements, comprises political and se ntiment inspired by the love of British language, culture , history and ot forgotten the pride of being British. Supported ,politically from the Euro scepticism of the conservative United Kingdom Independence Party and far-right British national party to the centre-right conservative Party and the left-centrist Liberal Democrats, British nationalism has had a progressive cause characterised by â€Å"a powerful but ambivalent force in British politics†.From this British nationalism, a party called the British national party will be one of our aim studies in this topic. As for Scotland, Nationalism being a political ideology and created in 1921 as primarily body based in London and largely influenced by Sinn Fein ,has most of the time supported greater autonomy for Scotland as part of the United Kingdom, but also the creation of a sovereign state.In which case Scottish nationalism can be referred to three (3) main elements: -The Scottish Independence with the advocacy of Scotland becoming a sovereign state -The Scottish national party with the main political party that support Scottish Independence. -The Scottish home rule, an organisation knew before the Devolved Scottish Parliament was created in 1999 that had for purpose to give Scotland the autonomy within the British Empire. From this nationalism , derived a national party called the Scottish national party.It is therefore in the process Nationalism that, our aim target will be to identify the differences between the two major national parties in the United Kingdom known as the British Nationa l Party (BNP) and the Scottish National To begin with, we should start by saying that the Scottish National Party (SNP), a civic party with strong democratic leanings and non-nationalist was first created in (1934) having as aim to promote justice, caring and enterprising community by making Scottish potential as an independent nation in the mainstream of modern Europe.Wishing to be completely independent from Britain, the Scottish national party has always wanted to be a separate state making its own decisions not just in Europe but throughout the world, this is why Scottish political parties such as, the SNP encourage progressive attitudes that are principally based on two main(2) things:the long term desire to become but also the ambition to be entirely inclusive with global organisation such as Europe . While the British National Party, reated in (1982) by a group of the National Front with John Tyndall, is a far-right, fascist political party combined with a white supremacy org anisation that stands for anti-non british,because it believes that there are significant differences between races, one of the party’s main objectives is to restore by legal methods white ethnicity, which existed prior to 1948 in a way that anything that does not fit their narrow stereotype is meant to be kept away from the party. Adding to this, it has to be said that the British national party adoring men like Adolf Hitler of German Nazi is almost claimed to be a Nazi political party as well. Another reason that makes the difference between the two parties is that, the Scottish national party has always wanted an open door to all races and nationalities in the sense that even non-Scottish people have been accepted to be members of the party without forgetting the fact that this was the first party to have a Muslim MSP as member.After independence, anyone living in Scotland could claim a Scottish citizenship under the SNP constitution with an open door policy on immigration compared to Britain ,where immigration still a dominant issue thus blaming immigrants for any possible problem . It is even believed that the British national party has for wish to put the white British- born before immigrants and non- british,stopping immigration and repatriate people of different races, presently living in the UK to the respective countries .In a speech given by Nick Griffin ,the actual leader of the British national party(BNP),he declared that â€Å"it is probably now too late to anticipate a return to the status quo ante 1948 â€Å" therefore suggested a new model of â€Å"milti-culturalism†. This model was meant to lead by a policy of cultural and biological separation ,not by principles of integration, this could allow people to enjoy each other’s culture and tradition but each staying on their own in order to avoid â€Å"diversity† which could be but a short –lived stepping stone to nothingness.An expected outcome of the method as Tyndall said, was going to be in the image of a south-African apartheid-style system with like he said â€Å"separate communities of people –Indian ,Pakistani, Bangladeshi(Hindu and Muslim),African and Afro-Caribbean and heaven knows what else-living side by side in Britain in separate enclaves†. This is to show that although immigrations issues were trying to be solved there were nevertheless still based on strict principles that had to be followed. Principles that were completely different from the one the Scottish national party made.These days, the Scottish national party does not have a lot to deal with national parties in eastern and central Europe particularly because most of them are rather right wing ,among them men like, Michal Kaminski of the polish law and justice party. Also, in the European parliament for Freedom and fatherland party, it will be noticed that men like David Cameron will definitely be comfortable to sit with Latvia whereas it would be hard if not never for the Scottish party to Roberts Zile from the FFF to the next Bannockburn shindig.This is to prove that racism is not a big concern in Scottish nationalism because there is no race problem in Scotland. Moreover, there are also differences regarding the concern of the British and Scottish public a s a whole. While Scotland is much more concerned about the unemployment as a big problem to face, Britain on its side is more worried about the economic field which is very frequent nowadays. In the other hand, crime, law and order are very serious matters in Britain than in Scotland where it is more likely to be concerned about the education. Furthermore ,another difference between the British national party and the Scottish one is that, the Scottish national party, being left wing is very focused on what people living in Scotland will be in the future regardless what the religion or skin colour are, while the British national, being right wing wants to go back to their old values.In terms of Military issue, providing that it is the government in Westminster that is in charge to send soldiers at war, Scotland plays a very small part in sending soldiers for defence ,war and terrorism compared to Britain that is more concerned about this issue. To conclude with this topic, it shall be said that although, these two are different parties in different countries, the differences between them is all about Racism, Immigrations and Political issues.In terms of racism, the British national party states that their constitution has for purpose, the preservation of the ethnic and national typical character of the British people themselves . David Blackburn writes for the spectator coffee house that â€Å"the BNP is no longer a racist party, but a party of racists† in respond to the news that the British national party membership look to vote in favour of allowing the non-whites and non-British to join the party while the Scottish national party has always wanted an open door to all races and nationalities no matter colour, gender and creed there are.In terms of political issues, Scotland is a minority within the UK (United Kingdom) which means the decision-making process stays in the goal of the majority included Britain . Therefore; policies that suit Scotland are often not taken into consideration. In terms of immigrations issues, differences have also been seen above with the British national party wanting to repatriate all immigrants or sometimes create strict principles that have to be followed by all immigrants. Whereas, the Scottish national party has and still fighting against immigration, thus giving citizenship to those claiming for it.So basically, these are some of the differences in brief between the British national party and the Scottish national party, although there could others points according to different points of viReferences and Bibliography David B. , Nick G. ,†Changing course or changing Clothes? †Reflection on the ideological evolution of the British national party 1999-2006 , pp81 Iain M. , gardian. co. uk, Monday 8 June 2009 14. 00 BST IN Last night was the SNP’s night Arthur A. ,†Nationalism, Devolution and the Challenge to the United Kingdom How to cite Introduction to International Relations, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Health and Socio-Political Issues in Aged Care - Free Samples

Question: What Is The Deep Meaning Of Palliative Approach? Answer: Introduction This paper is supposed to provide a deep insight regarding the palliative approach and its associated concerns. In relation to that, there has been the discussion regarding the implementation of the approach to treating the older people living in residential aged care. Thus it can be said that the paper engrosses the details of the policies as well as the advanced care directives along with the funding models. Generally, when the lifestyle of the old aged care people is involved there is the sudden end of life through many kinds of serious progressive illnesses such as cancer, respiratory disorders, heart disorders and much more. So it can be said that the changing illness trajectories basically try to interfere with the lifestyle of the old aged people within their activities until death. On the other hand Best Chenault said that, there have been many cases where there are the options by which the old aged people provide opportunity in accumulating the chronic diseases and make them die slowly (Best Chenault, 2014). The specification of the chronic illness is it works quite longer that lasts in between diagnosis and death. Thus in that condition, the older aged people experience pain, discomfort as well as various other related symptoms. So in that condition, those people require psychosocial as well as spiritual needs which will provide them peace in the life-threatening illness. For that reason there occurred the emergence of palliative approach or the end-of-life care approach to help the chronic disease patients to address their needs both psychological and mental as well as manage the symptoms in the last months of their life. The word palliative approach is very meaningfully used in the diagnosis of the patients suffering from chronic illness. In that case, the approach basically provides the diagnosis process in which it will get clear that whether the disease condition is gradual or it can be reversible (Binde, 2014). Various researches that have been carried out in the history have provided the knowledge that the people those act as the primary care providers should be well aware of the patients physical, social and the psychological challenges as per the nature of the illness. Thus the proper definition which will provide the meaning of Palliative Approach is that the approach is not at all confined to the diagnosis alone. In that case, the palliative approach is the part that is aimed towards the improvisation of the quality of life of the individuals who has been suffering from this illness from a long term (Buttigieg, et al., 2015). It will also help in reducing their sufferings by the help of early identification, assessment as well as the treatment of pain, social, cultural, spiritual and psychological needs. More specifically this illness is the kind that brings the end of life of the patient within a predictable future (Cooke, et al., 2013). Principles associated to the Palliative Approach A good health in terms of the old aged people with respect to understanding the perceptions regarding life allows the end-of-life care in an effective manner. Thus this process can be continued as well as planned in an effective manner. It works with open communication, control of the symptoms and the honest prognostics. As per Coussens, Mason Oni, the residential care, therefore, provided with the staff members who are quite trained as per the specialist advice and control. As a result, they become able to treat the common illness of the patients that arise in the residential care (Coussens, Mason Oni, 2017). The researchers basically found these common systems that can be treated by these doctors are nausea, breathlessness, anorexia, constipation, depression, constipation, cough, anxiety, and insomnia (Ferreira-Neto Henriques, 2016). In addition to that, the residential care should be that much well equipped so that it will provide honest prognostication. Another vital thing which will help in treating the patient quite well is the open communication that will help in promoting the symptom control and all other discussions regarding the decision of ongoing care. Thus it can be considered as the condition where there should be the provision of the quality of the life to such people who are approaching the end of life. Moreover, the proper quality of life that has been provided by the residential care starts from a proper diagnosis. Thus the palliative approach to the end-of-life care is supposed to depend upon few principles. These principles will form the guidelines which will help in providing the patient the proper treatment as per their condition. These principles are the The presence of the effective guidelines which will reflect the autonomy, respect, comfort as well as dignity within the workplace. The honouring of the cultural as well as the spiritual wishes within the residential care. Similarly, the cultural differences are supposed to be respected as well as treated in a sensitive process. It will definitely have some profound effect upon the suffering of the patients irrespective of the cultural boundaries. The patients within the residential care will be able to get the proper access for the people that they wish to be present near them. The place should be filled with the open discussion regarding the health conditions as well as the treatment related to the health condition of the individual. This will make them feel the honesty and this will make them satisfied. The support by the care providers should be well described by the effective management of the pain as well as many other distressing symptoms. The most important principle is the part of the treatment that should be provided to the patient as per his or her health condition should be considered after going through evidence-based treatment options. It is said to be the choice of site of care. In this context, it can be said that the decision of the patient as well as the family should take the decision collaboratively regarding the site of care. The patients should be provided with care excellence that includes the best possible care. The patients need a consistent medical care that goes with an overall plan which should be established as well as reviewed as per each patient. It will further reduce the crisis chances or any kind of medical emergencies which can frighten the patients as well as the relatives. The coordinated care, as well as the continuity of care, is quite needed in the residential care to treat the patients suffering from the chronic diseases. Thus the main purpose behind the aim of providing the care as well as the support will result in the care providers to get the patients to lead a affirm life along with respect and normal process. In that context, it can be considered that this aspect is the behavioural aspect that is applied to the patients along with the conjunction with many other therapies that are intended for the provision of prolonged life to the patients (Gazibara, et al., 2016). More specifically the researchers and many authors have provided the information from their research that this approach is not intended to provide any kind of service to postpone death. Rather this approach is supposed to provide the services for the enhancement of the quality of life of the patients during the course of their illness. In return, the life of the patients will get filled with positivity. Improved end-of-life care as per the Ethical and Legal Aspects The palliative approach is supposed to provide the supplement regarding the skills about those patients who usually end their lives due to stress. Thus the approach includes the management of the conditions psychologically through communication. This can be fulfilled by going through the integrated care pathways. By that manner, the patient can feel the death seems to be inevitable but not painful or uncomfortable rather the patient can be able to die with a spiritual support. On the other hand, the presence of the advance directives becomes more and more common that helps the care provider to take necessary as well as the essential information regarding the patients interest to provide any kind of consent regarding the patient (Hunt, 2016). These directives are such formulated that it will provide the precise clinical condition regarding the health of the patient in advance. In that case, the patient can be provided with the advance care planning. From the ethical ground, the patient has the right to choose his or her health advocate who will be able to provide health assistance regarding the decisions about the treatment processes. At the same time the patient does not have any kind of legal rights to die rather they have the rights to decide about the treatment procedure. Again while viewing ethically the palliative approach to the end-of-life care is supposed to address the broad range of issues along with the specific amount of care basing upon their physical, emotional, spiritual and practical level. Thus in that context, Kapoor Choudhary said that the provided literature also indicates that the palliative care prove itself quite beneficial to benefit as well as the well-being of the patients condition. And more specifically the emergence of the palliative approach is supposed to bring improvisation of quality in patients life (Kapoor Choudhary, 2014). A palliative approach to the end of life care affecting the residential care that has implications on the funding of residential care: The palliative care development funding is the initial attempt in creating a set of units which are appropriate for the use across all the palliative residential care right from children to adults (Kelly, et al., 2014). The funding has been helpful by collecting the data through the Palliative Care Funding Pilot which aims at describing the differences in the complications of the palliative care requirements of an individual and the related costs regarding the provision of care. The fundings collected for the cost of care and the case mix for every phase of every kind of illness. The palliative care funding has been developed by the recognition of the variables regarding the case mix and the attributes if the patients that are related to the variations of the direct costs regarding the palliative approach to end life care. As per Kumar, the funding in the palliative approach can be regarded as the driver of the costs which are used for the grouping of data in such a manner that the stages of care relate to within every group which has similar direct cost. These groupings are further classified and refined to form the assistance which is determined by the variables which are clinically meaningful and measurable (Kumar, 2013). Although the funding is considered which also help in the differentiation and categorization of the need for the palliative care in large varieties of health organizations that facilitate palliative care and a broad range of settings which deliver the palliative care. The funding is in demand during the treatments of eth patients suffering from acute diseases, hospice inpatient and during the encapsulation of wide range of services for the non-patients. In order to provide facilities for the development of a unit of minimum care palliative care for the variable set used for funding s which is kept as consistent across the various providers. For example, the phase of eth sickness or illness has been a driver of costs in all varieties of providers of palliative care. In the settings of acute diseases, where several diagnoses are required, especially for the people below the age group of 75, funding is essential for the treatment in order to provide them with better life till death. According to Lipi, the funding also varies for the community settings and the hospice inpatients along with the status of eth functions which are grouped into low, medium and high which are also related to the variations in the costs that are directed. The phase of the illness is also related to the direct costs associated with the physical severity that is categorized into low, medium and high (Lipina, 2014). The diagnosis of the acute diseases has a close association with the variation of the costs which leads to the high requirement for the funding. Palliative care has various barriers in regards to the acute care, thus, has an approach that is based on the processes that are not appropriate. It is more likely that certain pathway funding that has been accepted in clusters by the palliative healthcare residential units. The funding that is presented to the palliative healthcare residential units is based on the requirements and needs of the patients suffering from the acute diseases instead of the procedure and process that are performed. Funding to the residential palliative care nursing within the residential care units for the aged has been parallel with the financial development that is addressing the inequalities of the services that are related to the dying in the residential aged care. As per Mitchell MacLeod, the funding related to the palliative approach provides an opportunity to recognize, adopt and implement the standards and guidelines through various individual residents of funding that are identified by the requirements of health care aspects. The funding that is provided is used in getting more number of beds to the residents (Mitchell MacLeod, 2014). The allocation of funding from the general revenue consolidation for the delivery of service is evident. In the context of palliative approach, the funding is made up of the identified units of care that are consistently used as payment between the providers and eth commissioners (Ng, 2015). The funding can be made in various forms such ads they can be made on the basis of a particular procedure that is taken place, the period of time taken over which a patient needs to be treated for an illness or the test of the diagnostics being carried out. The resources that are used by the equipment, consumables, staff and the location such as drugs and dressings are similar which can be denoted within the funding that will differ from different other methods of financing. The funding will be helpful in getting the materials that are required for the treatment of the patients throughout their treatment in the residential care units till their death. Critical reflection on the approaches and concepts: Through the research on eth palliative approach, we could find that there is greater engagement and autonomy in the making if the decisions. As per Rhli, et al, a palliative approach provides the individuals and the families the opportunities and information to be engaged in the care in the decision making in a better way through the trajectory of illness. The approach of palliative care of which the open conversations are a part can assist the people in addressing the spiritual or emotional concerns (Rhli, et al., 2015). These aspects can also assist the people in advance planning of care along with the setting of a goal, therefore, as the progress of the illness occurs, the families along with the individuals are able to make a decision that provides reflection on their personal goals and desires. Palliative approaches can include effective management that would concentrate on the care of eth patients who are suffering from advanced illness or crucial symptoms that are a burden by giving emphasis on eth appropriate goal setting that is meticulous for the control and assessment (Shier Graham, 2015). It can also be stated that the goals for the care change with changing times. It is also evident from the that there is no complete cure for the life-threatening diseases that are progressive such as severe chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, congestive failure of heart, and the conditions of progressive neurological disease such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dementia and Parkinson's disease in which the individuals often opt for life-prolonging therapies which depend on their care goals that can alter the progress of the illness. The main goal of the individual is basically used to prolong the life which is only possible in the initial stage of the trajectory of the disease. Through the passage of time, maintaining the functions like the cognitive or the mobility ability may become very significant which would facilitate the individual to choose the treatments that will assist in prolonging the life; however, it will not be in the capability to operate (Sderberg, Sthl Emilsson, 2015). The comfort becomes the main goals of a palliative acre as the condition of the patients deteriorates and the individual may opt for rejecting the treatments which will lead to pain or would relate she or he has to be hospitalized. When the families and persons gain access to the approach of palliative care throughout their sickness, they have the support and information to have effective decision making which is appropriate for them. This process of making decisions provides a reflection on the personal objectives and goals. Enhanced quality of life and greater longevity are the resultant of the strong and developed evidence which is an approach to palliative care when associated with treatment which would result in the better outcomes for the individuals and their families along with the caregivers. These would also include improvement in the satisfaction of the patients, quality of life and improvement in the symptoms along with posing fewer burdens on the caregiver (Sthl, Costa-Black Loisel, 2017). Thus, more appropriate association to the application of the hospice and reduced use of intensive acre that would be futile is relevant. It could be further recognized that the capacity of practitioners who are at the primary stage can act as a barrier to the adoption of palliative care approach. As per Turner, the palliative care can be given best by the practitioners who are experienced and are highly trained (Turner, 2014). Therefore, a key challenge in the palliative care sector would be to hire and train the primary care practitioners. Moreover, the reluctance of the patients to be receiving the care leads to rejection or resistance to the approach of palliative care. However, the individuals still need to obtain the palliative services when they are mentally prepared and are ready to confront the issues that are associated with the end of life. In certain cases, the disagreements of the families of eth patients act as challenges in the palliative approach. The family members may happen to disagree with the plan of care for a patient or even refuse the preference of an individual (Villar, et al., 2016). Conclusion: The report deals with various aspects of a palliative approach in residential aged care at international and national level. The description of palliative approach and end of life care is described in brief in the assignment. The directive of advanced care and the significance of funding in palliative approach are discussed in the report. The approaches and the concepts associated with the palliative approach in the residential care have been reflected. References Best, L.E. and Chenault, J., 2014. Racial classifications, biomarkers, and the challenges of health disparities research in the African diaspora. Binde, P., 2014. Gambling in Sweden: the cultural and socio?political context.Addiction,109(2), pp.193-198. Buttigieg, S.C., Rathert, C., DAunno, T.A. and Savage, G.T., 2015. International research in health care management: its need in the 21st century, methodological challenges, ethical issues, pitfalls, and practicalities. InInternational Best Practices in Health Care Management (pp. 3-22). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Cooke, L.P., Erola, J., Evertsson, M., Ghler, M., Hrknen, J., Hewitt, B., Jalovaara, M., Kan, M.Y., Lyngstad, T.H., Mencarini, L. and Mignot, J.F., 2013. 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