Sunday, October 20, 2019

Entertainment Ruining Ones Life Essays

Entertainment Ruining Ones Life Essays Entertainment Ruining Ones Life Essay Entertainment Ruining Ones Life Essay Essay Topic: Entertainment Tao Te Ching Entertainment Ruining Ones Future Video games have developed to become more popular than music and film in the current day. As a result to the more developed games being released and updated with modern life, teenagers are constantly on the run to obtain these games and are most likely to become addicted to them. Although these games may include an adventurous and amusing storyline, they mostly include violence at some point in the game. The intended audience for these games is teenagers and young adults due to all of the blood and violence as well as the inappropriate behaviors involved. However, many young children have begun playing these games which causes an increase in their aggression with their teachers and peers. Therefore, young children should be prohibited from playing video games to prevent violent acts from occurring. Video games act as a major nuisance towards children; therefore the younger aged audience should be banned from playing or watching video games or at least have a restriction on the time spent on these games. In a study shown by Gentile, Lynch, Linder and Walsh of the Adolescent Interest Group has shown that adolescent irls have played an average of five hours worth of video games a week, while boys had averaged around thirteen hours a week (Palo Alto Medical Foundation 2011). Children who are constantly playing video games have been shown to be more aggressive towards their teachers and peers that also results in a decline of their academic levels. In addition, children can build upon these thoughts into negative emotions and actions. Even with a limited time playing these games can cause these teenagers or children to have aggressive thoughts. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, it only takes a small amount of time for children to take the acts of killing animals or people, use of drugs and alcohol or use of foul language into their daily environments exposing their acts to the younger aged audience, which may ruin their future (Andrea Norcia Mar. 2011). For instance, many adolescents exposed to the violence may bring a dangerous weapon onto their schools campus trying to show off to other students, which may lead to those other students following in that students footsteps. Lastly, the cost towards these games can be as high as a skyscraper. All the money put into these games couldVe gone to more educational purposes, such as their savings account for their colleges tuition and textbook costs. While the child is at home constantly playing their video games that average about sixty to eighty dollars per game, which does not including the money needed to purchase the consoles that average about $200-$300, their peers at school have excelled far beyond his or her current state, which may be difficult to recover from if not handled properly. Consequently, the more games the children buy, the more likely they become addicted to them. Addiction may be started in various ways, especially when people want to be aroused with entertainment, such as alcohol or drugs and gambling that are not available in their daily lives, but present in certain violent games (Socia 2013). In addition, private information used to register and purchase games may become leaked through hackers that break into many companles aataoases. Hackers are aDle to use tne InTormatlon tney leaKea Tor tnelr own benefits which may cause the victims to suffer from consequences for acts they did not commit. This can lead to bankruptcy if the issue persists uninterrupted (Socia 013). For example, a student in the third grade has been exposed to violent games from his older brother that plays his games almost everyday for the majority of his time. As a result, that third grader takes in all the violence shown in those games which can result in a lack of time spent with the remainder of his family, school-work, a development of poor social skills, as well as a more constant production of aggressive thoughts and behaviors. In addition, the cost revenue put into this childs games has excelled far beyond the ideal limit, taking about nearly $1000 of his arents paycheck, which consists of purchasing consoles, monitors and the games themselves. Therefore, students should not waste their precious time on video games, or should at least have a time limit put onto their time playing these video games. In conclusion, video games shouldnt be given to students and children whoVe yet to finish high school. Students should learn from their mistakes and start focusing more on school before they are allowed leisure time, which should also have a limit set by the parents to prevent an excessive exposure to the violent acts present in these games. In the future, students should learn to better manage what they choose to do at home allowing them to academically excel in their schoolwork and have a more beneficial relationship with their classmates and more importantly their families. : Andrea Norcia . Parents Teachers: The Impact of Video Games. Palo Alto Medical Foundation. Aug. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. Children and Video Games: Playing with Violence. American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry. Mar. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. Socia, Kelly. online addiction. Issues: Understanding Controversy and society. ABC- CLIO, 2013. web. 4 Dec. 2013.

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