Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Which form of social media is best for an organisation to use Dissertation

Which form of social media is best for an organisation to use - Dissertation Example And the impact of face-book in the world of business and on its total sale as compared to others. However, all these evaluations are obtained with the help of secondary research methods such as literature review as compared to primary research. And finally the dissertation is completed with the fact that, face-book is the best for any organizations as compared to other sites. In this age of stiff competitive and high bargaining power of the customers, maximum extent of the entrepreneurs or organizational management desires to present high-end inventive products. This is done in order to satisfy the changing needs and demands of the customers of recent era so as to retain them for longer period of time. However, it might be possible only if the entrepreneur or organizational management desires to offer high-level of concentration over advertisements or promotional campaigns. This might help in enhancement of the awareness level of the customers thereby amplifying the demand and profit ability of the organization in the market as compared to many other rival players. But, introduction of information technology has changed the definition of advertisement entirely. Now a day, advertisement or promotion means vivid description of the features or benefits of the products in social media’s like face-book, twitter, Orkut, LinkedIn, Pin-interest and many others. This is because; introduction of information technology enhanced the craze of social media’s as compared to conventional advertising tactics (Macdonald, 2013, pp. 256-356). This dissertation is divided into five phases mainly highlighting the importance of social media in enhancing the profitability of the business. Along with this, it also describes, which might be the best form of social media (face-book or twitter) among many others so as to improve the prosperity of the business. Therefore, the prime question that might be discussed in this dissertation through secondary research methods is, whe ther face-book or twitter appears to be the best form for any organizational up-liftment. Discussion Literature review Importance of Social Media According to Bregman (2012), social media acts as a weapon to flight against extreme competition and rivalry among the existing contenders. Social media also helps the organization to develop a recognised position for itself and its products thereby amplifying its reputation in the entire globe among many other rival players. As a result of which, it helps in enhancing the awareness of the targeted customers thereby amplifying the demand and total revenue of the organization in the market as compared to others. And so, the brand image and market share of the organization might get amplified resulting in amplification of the total profit margin. Therefore, it might be clearly stated that social media acts as a supporting medium to create and protect digital reputations in an effective and efficient way. Hence, from the above mentioned point s, it might be clearly revealed that social media plays a very important role in enhancing the portfolio of an organization in this age of extreme competition. And due to such unde4rlining reason, maximum extent of the entrepreneurs or organizational managements, prefer to comprise of a popular social media reputation. Apart from this, as per Jue & et. al. (2009), the craze of social media or social networking sites enhanced mainly due to the advancement of technologies in this age of

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